Breaking through the stigma of addiction

According to the Meriam Webster Dictionary stigma is defined as a mark of shame or discredit. There is a belief that individuals who abuse drugs or alcohol, are weak, morally flawed; that they chose to be addicted.

This belief is false.

The shame and guilt associated with the stigma is one of the main reasons individuals with a substance use disorder do not seek treatment.

Addiction is a chronic disease that changes both brain structure and function.

When you use drugs, the parts of your brain that control pleasure, motivation, learning and memory are affected. Large amounts of dopamine are released which create a feeling of immediate pleasure. This information is stored in the areas responsible for learning and memory which influences your decision making, emotions and motivation. Your brain begins to rely on the drugs to produce the dopamine and once it wears off, there is a shortage. You are left feeling unhappy and uninterested in the things you once enjoyed. With continued use, the pleasure from taking the substance may diminish, called tolerance, but since the changes in learning and memory have already occurred, the individual will continue to seek out the substance. Despite these changes, treatment can and does help people to “unlearn their addictions while developing healthy coping strategies”. (2)

How can you breakthrough the stigma of addiction?

Get help. Don’t let the shame and guilt created by the stigma of addiction win. Stand up for your own health and wellbeing. Do no let the worry of what other people are thinking get in your way to recovery. Use your resources; speak to loved ones and professionals to help find a treatment program that works for you.

Break the silence. Talk about your addiction, your struggles, your successes. Be open and honest about your journey. Each individual story is unique but remember you are not alone. By sharing with others, you create a sense of community which aids in the healing and recovery process.

Self-advocacy. You are the expert on yourself. Examine your life and determine what needs to change in order to achieve sobriety. Be an active participant in treatment and develop a strategy to achieve your goals. Speak up and ask for what you need.

Watch your language. You are not defined by your addiction. Person-first language is a term used by medical and mental health professionals to describe separating the person from the illness; not defining them by the illness. Look at the difference between these two statements, “I’m just a junkie” and “I have a heroin addiction”. The latter implies that there is more to you than your addiction. You can also pay attention to how you speak about yourself by using language that emphasizes positive attributes and avoiding negative self-talk.

By breaking through the stigma of addiction, your self-esteem and self-worth will grow. And others will be able to recognize your value and see beyond your addiction.


  3. The Office of National Drug Control Policy. Changing the language of addiction.